Simple code from simple times

Most of the items on this page are very old. Like most of the things on this planet, there are bits and pieces from other people's ideas and work. If anything on this page looks like something you wrote, please let me know. It's been so long I have no idea who to attribute.

I have some newer ideas, but most are a little complex for a space like this.

The motorcycle is a 1969 Triumph TR6C. It's fun to ride and work on. The simple logic on this old bike is oddly similar to the code here.

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IMG Mouseover

This is from about 1997. It's still the most simple image mouseover I've ever found. To use, you can name it something else, just change all three instances of "huh" and the source of the two images.

Display images

I use this to display all the images in a directory and make them a link to a larger image, with the same name in a directory called "big". This is used here.

Directory listing

A simple directory listing. This is also used here.

Show and hide

It doesn't do nice easing or anything, but it works for showing and hiding elements well. Used in navigation here.

The 90s

This is my website that I made in the mid 90s. I stopped updating it in about 2001. It features one of the first animated gifs I ever made, frame by frame from a single picture, of my eyes.

It's here for archival purposes.

Travel back in time

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